Plant based proteins are a rapidly growing sunrise industry.
Satisfying meat and dairy appetites with plant protein has strong consumer appeal – it’s good for your health and good for the environment.
Meat and dairy substitutes are predicted to be a $40billion industry by 2020, with many brands now household names. Plant protein and health supplements and weight loss products also show strong demand.
Meat and dairy consumption in developed countries is now in decline, and demand for plant protein products is booming..
“We shall escape the absurdity of growing a whole chicken in order to eat the breast or wing, by growing these parts separately under a suitable medium. Synthetic food will … from the outset be practically indistinguishable from natural products, and any changes will be so gradual as to escape observation”
Sir Winston Churchill, 1931
Eric Schmidt (Google & Alphabet) envisages a revolution coming in replacing meat with plants
“Eric Schmidt, executive chairman of Google’s parent, Alphabet, has spent his entire career predicting how technology can change the world… Schmidt sees a revolution coming in using plants to replace meat. Replacing livestock with growing and harvesting plants could reduce greenhouse gas emissions and fight climate change, he argued. The meat industry, cattle producers, in particular, emit significant greenhouse gases.
The development of plant proteins that communities could use to replace meat would also lower the cost of foods in developing countries where food is sometimes scarce. Delivering a pound of meat to the grocery store (raising it, slaughtering it, shipping it) is a relatively inefficient and costly process compared with delivering a pound of many protein-based plants.
Schmidt said the world is now ready to better produce synthetic food from plants with the help of computers and data crunching. Technology can help researchers and scientists identify the best plants and plant combinations for creating certain tastes and meeting certain nutritional needs”
Fortune, 2016
China’s plan to cut meat consumption by 50% cheered by climate campaigners
“China now consumes 28% of the world’s meat, including half of its pork… New dietary guidelines could reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 1bn tonnes by 2030, and could lessen country’s problems with obesity and diabetes… New dietary guidelines drawn up by China’s health ministry recommend that the nation’s 1.3 billion population should consume between 40g to 75g of meat per person each day. The measures, released once every 10 years, are designed to improve public health but could also provide a significant cut to greenhouse gas emissions”
Fortune, 2016
Meat Alternatives
Impossible Foods, Beyond Meat, Quorn, Wiesenhof, Gardein, Amy’s Kitchen.
Vegan Fast Food
Native Foods, Veggiegrill, Freshii, Ikea, Domino’s Pizza
Vegan Supermarkets
Veganz turnover now €10 million
“Veganz, a German Vegan Supermarket chain, has plans to expand across Europe and the US.
Yearly turnover
2011 – €592,694
2012 – €1,540,678
2013 – €5,263,631
2014 – €9,718,912Within the last three years Veganz reached 117,609,160 million people, which is statistically the equivalent as having invested €9,728,297 in media products, to gain the same amount of attention”
Fox Business, 2015

World’s first vegan supermarket chain to open in Portland
“Veganz, the first and world’s largest vegan grocery store chain, will set up shop in the famously crunchy city later this year. Along with a supermarket, Veganz also plans to open a shoe and clothing store and restaurant in Portland”
Eco Watch, 2016