Billions of dollars are spent annually propping up livestock industries. This is indefensible.
OECD livestock subsidies amounted to $53 billion in 2013
“The dearth of policies and funding to tackle livestock emissions stands in marked contrast to the abundance of government support afforded to meat and dairy producers. Livestock subsidies among OECD countries amounted to $53 billion in 2013. In the EU, cattle subsidies alone exceeded $731 million, equivalent to $190 per cow.26 This largesse is not confined to industrialized countries. In China, for example, pork subsidies exceeded $22 billion in 2012, equivalent to about $47 per pig”
Chatham House, The Royal Institute Of International Affairs, 2014

38% of the eu budget goes to farm subsidies
“Farm subsidies will consume some 38% of the EU budget for 2014-2020, equivalent to 363 billion euros ($485.7 billion) of the 960 billion total, or around 50 billion euros a year”
Reuters, 2013
US farm subsidies are $20 billion annually
“ American farm subsidies are egregiously expensive, harvesting $20 billion a year from taxpayers’ pockets”
The Economist, 2015